Sunday, November 28, 2010

Inilah Proses Pembuatan Terowongan Kereta Terpanjang Didunia

Terowongan kereta api terpanjang di dunia telah selesai pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2010 di Swiss ketika dua terakhir meter batuan dibor melalui. Setelah 14 tahun konstruksi 57 km (34 mil) dari Gotthard Base Tunnel di Pegunungan Alpen Swiss akhirnya selesai ketika mesin bor raksasa dijuluki memotong Sissi melalui potongan terakhir batu dapat terhubung kedua ujungnya. Terowongan hanya lebih dari 3 km lebih panjang daripada terowongan rel Seikan di Jepang, yang pada 53,9 km sebelumnya menjadi terowongan kereta api terpanjang di dunia.

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After the final breakthrough, jubilant miners carrying flags representing the regions of Switzerland involved in the construction walked through the opening.

Completion of the Gotthard Base Tunnel will cut the travel time between Zurich and Milan in Italy by 60 minutes to two-and-a-half hours and provide an easier and more economic route for heavy freight trains. The tunnel -- which is in fact composed of two single-track tunnels -- cost $10.6 billion (£6.6 billion).

Since the first preparations for the tunnel were laid in 1996, over 2,500 workers have taken part in its building according to AlpTransit Gotthard, the company constructing the tunnel. It is due to be operational by the end of 2017.

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sumber :

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